gitav academy 2024

Gitav Academy 2024

Conclusa la IV edizione della Gitav Academy, in attesa dell’apertura della Stagione 2024. 

Orbetello, 26 March 2024 – In the setting of the Orbetello lagoon, The Caesar Hotel Park hosted for 5 days, the 4th edition of the Gitav Academy, the training project that every year involves the Staff of the 14 structures of the Gitav Group, before the beginning of the summer season.

“In the current labour market scenario, characterised by the difficulty for companies to find and retain talents, internal training is a fundamental lever to attract candidates and consolidate the historical team” – says Gloria Francorsi, CEO of the Gitav Consortium – “The Academy is an opportunity for the professional and personal growth of the staff, who often have to deal with the most diverse work situations”.

With 13 modules for a total of 38 hours, the Gitav Academy provides the new skills needed to work in the hospitality world: from the basics of hotellerie to current trends such as AI and sustainability. The days offered group and departmental training activities, through targeted meetings and simulations of real work activities, sometimes more related to guest contact service and others pertaining to the digital tools available.

The Academy focuses on people, a fundamental value for Gitav, whether they are customers or employees.


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